Personal Opinion

·                     What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

In my opinion adopt pets is a very nice experience. I have adopted two dogs and they are the most loving pets I ever had. I don’t think that we have to condemn people that buy pets, but they are losing an very enriching experience. The problem isn’t people that buy pets, the problem is the people that abandon their pets. We have to make conscience about responsible pet ownership.

·                     What is your opinion about climate change?

I’m very worried about this topic, exist a lot of scientific evidence that climate change exists and it is our fault. But there are a lot of people and important heads of states that deny it, like Donald Trump. We must change our habits and make it more ecofriendly.

·                     What is your opinion about cloning?

It’s a very delicate topic. On one hand it could bring us a lot of scientific advances, especially in the medical field. It could help us to heal illness, but on the other hand it is against nature. It is like playing to be God. And use the clone just like a tool isn’t ethical for me.

·                     What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

In my opinion the Chilean politicians are more interested in their self-interests instead of the people interests. This situation caused a general dissatisfaction in the people that has been reflected in the poor participation on democratic elections. The politicians have the duty of re-enchant to the people.


  1. "the problem is the people that abandon their pets"
    It is so real. I totally agree with you in all the answers

  2. There are some minus problems that you can check and correct.


  3. pets should not be seen as an accessory because is member of the family and I believe that by adopting a pet we integrate a small being that will give us a lot of love


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