My career

I started to study architecture after two years in college courses at the Universidad de Chile. There I took a lot of courses and it helped me to decide enter in Architecture.

I wanted to study engineering too but after some courses I realized that it doesn’t really like to me. I love math but engineering’s math is so hard haha. When I started architecture's career I wasn’t convinced about it, but now I can say that I don’t regret to enter here.

The most attractive of the career was that the architecture is everywhere. Where you live, where you walk, where you take your dog for a walk and here I can help to do it more comfortable to people. In addition, I thought (and keep thinking) that through the architecture of a zone you can discover many things like the history, the ideology, the priorities, etc.

I chose the Universidad de Chile because I did the College here and It university have an important social role in the Country. This vision of the career motivated me to enter here and when I graduated be an important factor in the society


  1. i'm architect student and i'm very agree with you this is career is everywhere and it's terrific!

  2. Everyone should be at college sometime, people start careers without any idea about it


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