My future Job

In the future I would like to work in an architecture office for a few years and there make some money. After that I want to design and open a Bookstore and it will have a lot of books and spaces to read and drink a coffee while you read.

I would like to invite authors to speak about theirs books and sign it. I would like that my bookstore become in a space to congregate people to discuss about books or another topic, where their can make forums or just enjoy a book.

I would also like to travel to others countries to know about others bookstores and bring newness to the bookstore. If the business work, I will open news bookstores around the country to bring to everyone an excellent experience with books.

About the salary, it’s an important topic but not the main, I want to make the best Bookstore and that’s enough. And if it doesn’t work, I will back to the architecture. I love architecture but I really want to have a bookstore haha. I think that the first months will be hard with respect to money, but if the service is good, people will arrive sooner or later.

I will be my own boss, but I would like to share with my clients, chat about their book’s interest, take a coffee with discussing a book and my goal is to invite to Patrick Rothfuss and share with him in my own bookstore, he is my favorite author.


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